Friday 15 December 2017

Binary optioner 60 sekunder signaler gåvor

En utmärkt handelsstrategi för binära alternativ med utgångsdatum 60 sekunder analyserar kanalerna som bildas i ljusstaken i en 1 minuters tidsram. Binary options trading system med nivåer. När du analyserar graferna är ljusets form väldigt viktigt, men Med en så kort tidsram är det viktigare att upptäcka bra nivåer av stöd och motstånd som detekterar en kanal för rörelse av priset, snarare att leta efter en handelssignal i form av singelstearinljuset eller ett i mini-mönster i ljuset I Betyder att detekterar några pinbars, hammare eller skjutstjärnor är meningslös på så kort tid och framförallt för en så kort investeringstid som de på 60 sekunder. Den verkliga viktiga saken är därmed att upptäcka vissa kanaler för rörelse av Pris markerat med två nivåer av stöd och motstånd, om de existerar, och var redo att invertera när dessa berörs. Faktum är att rörelsekanaler kan nära dessa nivåer förmodligen förekomma som en rebound providin G oss med riktningen var du ska vända på följande 60 sekunder. Varje dag kan vi upptäcka många situationer som liknar dem som visas i ovanstående bilder, och för handlare av binära alternativ som jag är de verkliga gåvor som tillhandahålls av Marknader Det enda problemet är att sådana presenter inte levereras till vårt hus. Vi måste hitta dem I ovanstående bilder kan du se några etapper av de flesta valutor EUR USD den 28 november 2014 Jag betonade de kanaler där priset Tenderar att röra sig De är horisontella kanaler och så är deras gränser nivåer av stöd och motstånd som är viktigt att överväga. Varje pil i grafen indikerar en tydlig återgång av priset på den upptäckta nivån. Det finns många av dem på mycket kort tid - Ram Om du lämnar ut de första pilarna på bilderna, som behövs för att upptäcka bildandet av kanalen, är alla följande tydliga signaler om entré på marknaden. Varje dag kan du hitta många konfigurationer som liknar dem Som visas i bilderna ovan för varje par valutor och med tanke på alla par som du kan handla med binära alternativ kommer du att inse hur många handelsmöjligheter som finns tillgängliga varje dag. Denna strategi för binära alternativ kallades strategi för nivåer av OB60 och det är idealiskt För 60 sekunder investeringar just när det rekommenderas att inte göra valutahandlare, det vill säga under senareisering av marknaderna Samtidigt som valutahandel sker, i själva verket i stadierna av lateralisering av marknaderna, är det stegen där marknaderna fluktuerar med relativt Korta rörelser skulle det vara bättre att inte komma in på marknaden, varken lång eller kort eftersom priserna är så begränsade att du inte ens skulle täcka kostnaderna för mäklarens spridning. Motsatsen kan dessa steg behandlas allmänt. I binära alternativ, som vi visade tidigare Tack vare indikatorer som ADX kan du få ytterligare bekräftelser om att marknaderna inte följer någon trend i den specifika tidsperioden Jag och den här informationen kan vara användbar för att stärka vår teori. Med tanke på denna strategi för nivåer kommer du brukar stänga den senaste operationen av varje handelssession utan pengar om du tenderar att följa kanalen tills den försvinner, men det betyder att innan Att nå det resultatet har du fått flera affärer stängda i pengarna Lycka till och var försiktig noga Denna artikel är det inte en inbjudan att investera dina pengar i alternativ Det är bara en förklaring till hur vi kan investera i det här finansiella instrumentet Om du bestämmer dig för att Följ vårt exempel. Du gör det på din fara. Alternativ Bonus Alla du behöver veta för att få din bonus. Senast uppdaterad den 26 september 2016 av Martin K. Almost erbjuder alla Binary Options-mäklare bonusar och speciella kampanjer för att locka till sig Fler och fler kunder Bonus är i allmänhet en bra sak, men jag har snubblat över för många nybörjare som hade fel intryck om bonuserna som deras mäklare gav och därmed förlorade pengar eller bara Hade fel intryck om binära alternativ i allmänhet och mäklare specifikt kan man tro att ju högre bonus desto bättre är chansen att man måste generera höga vinster. Det är inte helt korrekt så i den här stora artikeln kommer vi att täcka alla frågor du Kan ha bonusar och restriktionerna men också fördelar som följer med dem. Hämta dina tänkande kepsar, ta en kaffe eftersom du kommer att vara här en stund. Vad är en binär optionsbonus. Bonus och andra kampanjer är en bra boost för att få dig Startade Till exempel kan man investera 500 för att få ytterligare 500 från mäklaren, för ett totalt kontosaldo på 1000 som sa 100 bonus Jag säger att den genomsnittliga bonusen är cirka 50 till 100 De flesta mäklare kommer att sätta in bonuspengarna i ditt konto Omedelbart efter att du har slutfört ditt initiala insättningsbelopp Det är en bra boost för ditt konto, men du får inte bäras bort eftersom det inte är så enkelt som det ser ut. Om det är den första artikeln du någonsin har åkt D har du förmodligen inte sett artikeln diskuterar mäklarnas villkor och deras konsekvenser för potentiella och befintliga handlare. Efter att ha läst om Binära Options-bonusproblem går du tillbaka och läser den viktiga artikeln eftersom Binary Options-mäklare också tillämpar några begränsningar på de givna bonusarna En viktig begränsning handlar om återkallande av vinst. Binäralternativ Bonus Hur fungerar det egentligen? Låt oss säga att jag bestämmer mig för att öppna ett konto hos XYZ Broker. Min första investering är 250, det är en bonus på 40, så i enkel matte har jag 250 100 bonuspris 250 40 100 vilket ger till totalt 350 som jag nu har på mitt konto Nu vad du alla bör förstå är att för att dra tillbaka min insättning och bonusen måste jag handla i genomsnitt mellan 20 30 gånger Volymen av bonusen, beroende på den specifika mäklare jag handlar med För det här exemplet, låt oss anta att min mäklare kräver att jag handlar 20 gånger volymen av bonusen. Eftersom bonusen var 100 måste jag mu Lätt att med 20 så 100 20 2000 inklusive förluster I grund och botten krävs en total handelsvolym av 2000 för att dra tillbaka hela vinstbeloppet plus bonuspriserna. Om jag har bestämt mig för att dra tillbaka mina pengar utan att uppfylla dessa krav, en proportionell Summan kommer att dras av från kontot eller i vissa fall kan mäklaren inte tillåta användaren att dra tillbaka utan att uppfylla dessa begränsningar. Dessa begränsningar innebär inte något om ett binärt alternativ bedrägeri de är faktiskt en grundläggande riktlinje för alla bonusfaktorer som ges av alla binära Options mäklare Det är mycket viktigt för handlare att noggrant läsa alla villkor för mäklare bonusrestriktioner och se till att de förstår allt om dessa restriktioner. Hur får du en bonus. Om du inte har erbjudits en bonus av din mäklare, vilket är Ett mycket extremt fall, fråga din kontochef för en bonus. Glöm inte att fråga om satsningsreglerna och se till att du väljer en betrodd mäklare. Mitt råd R Egarding Välja en bonus. My råd för alla handlare är inte att omfamna kramar armarna av stora bonusgivare över 35 är för mycket bonus enligt min åsikt och hålla sig till mäklare som erbjuder låga bonusar men ändå erbjuda ett betydande belopp i enlighet med den ursprungliga Insättning För att sammanfatta är bonusen alltid ett bra steg i början men det måste fortfarande vara proportionellt mot den ursprungliga insättningen. En viktigare faktor. Var inte rädd att du aldrig kommer att uppfylla minimikraven Bonusen är där för att hjälpa dig att börja , Men det täcker inte dina förluster. Använd prispengarna att handla smart, mycket snart kommer du ta reda på att handel med en volym på 1500 eller så är faktiskt en månad för handel, kanske två. Använda bonusen med omsorg kan verkligen öka din Vinster, men uppriktigt sagt, jag vill begära minsta bonus från din mäklare kontochef du kan tacka mig senare. Nu när vi vet lite om mekaniken bakom binära alternativbonusar, är det dags att dyka djupare in i de tillgängliga typerna Ja, mäklare frestar dig med en mängd bonusar, så du måste veta vad de erbjuder. Det betyder att vi går vidare till nästa del av den här artikeln, sa att det kommer att vara en lång. Typer av binära alternativ ger dig allt du behöver Att veta. Det finns aldrig brist på binära optionsmäklare i själva verket är internet fullt av webbplatser och företag som uppmanar dig att betala med dem och börja utnyttja nu från handel på nätet binära alternativ Om du behöver en mäklare hittar du en i Mindre än en minut med en enkel Google-sökning Men det största problemet är inte att hitta en mäklare men att hitta en bra och tillförlitlig en Jo det är svårare att uppnå eftersom de flesta av dem är spegelbilder av varandra samma egenskaper, samma pedagogiska material samma Allt Eftersom de flesta av dem är likartade försöker de klara sig på det genom att bli mer tilltalande för kunderna med hjälp av olika bonusar. Det finns många bonusar där ute, med både fördelar och nackdelar, och den här artikeln försöker t O förklara några av de mest populära typerna av binära alternativ bonusar Så låt oss se hur mäklarna lockar oss eller försöker hjälpa oss. Välkommen bonus eller första insättningsbonus. Detta är den vanligaste typen av binära alternativ bonus och det s erbjuds av nästan Alla binära optionsmäklare Det är enkelt att förstå när en första insättning görs av kunden. Mäklaren lägger till extra kapital på handelskontot. Denna extrakapital kan gå så hög som 100 av den första insättningen men 30 50 är vanligare. Men det finns Bifogade strängar Den huvudsakliga nackdelen är att de vanligtvis begränsar dina uttagningsmöjligheter för att dra ut bonusen, du måste handla en viss volym som vanligen är 30 gånger bonusen För att vara ärlig, det är ganska rättvist från deras sida, för om det inte var För denna begränsning skulle folk bara sätta in 1000, få en extra 500 som en bonus och dra tillbaka den nästa dag Presto Instant miljonär Så det här kravet är okej men de flesta mäklare begränsar din förmåga att ta ut dina egna pengar tills du Nu handlar du om den önskade volymen Det här är normalt för mäklare att försöka skydda sina pengar, men varför hindra mig från att dra tillbaka min egen Låt oss anta att en kund har fått en bonus men bestämmer binär Options-handel är inte för honom Nu även om Han är villig att ge bonusen tillbaka, han får inte få tillbaka sina pengar. Det här är den största nackdelen med någon bonus och du bör noggrant läsa Binary Options Villkoren innan du accepterar några bonusar. Nästa insättningsbonus eller fortsättningsbonus. Där Är inget exakt namn för denna typ av bonus men i grund och botten är varje efterföljande insättning krediterad lite extra pengar Så om handlare väljer att göra en ny insättning, kommer de också att få en procentandel av den insättningen eller ett fast belopp beroende på mäklarens policy Bonus är sällsynt än välkomstbonusen och en annan sak att notera är att handlare kommer att få ett betydligt mindre belopp än det som mottogs när de gjorde sin första insättning. Ingen insättningsbonus. Vi kommer att prata om Den här i detalj senare så här är bara en teaser trailer för att få denna bonus, näringsidkaren måste bara öppna ett konto och behöver inte göra en insättning precis som namnet indikerar det är en ganska ny typ av bonus och kommer med mycket Av strängar som är kopplade till handelsvolymen som krävs för uttag är vanligtvis högre och erbjuds ofta via tredje parts webbplatser. Lägga till en tredje parts webbplats till ekvationen ger upphov till fler frågor relaterade till tillförlitligheten på den här nya webbplatsen och dolda villkor eller villkor. Det finns dock en Några mäklare som inte erbjuder insättningsbonusen själva men det här är snarare undantaget, inte regeln Binoa. Normalt är insättningsbonusen mycket mindre än den första insättningsbonusen och erbjuds av färre mäklare. Avkastning Bonus. Detta liknar insättningsbonusen Men med en vridning tar du inte emot det förrän en viss handelsvolym har uppnåtts. 24Bulls bonusprogressionsfält Några mäklare visar en bonusprogressionsfält så du vet hur mycket volymen fortfarande krävs Nc baren är klar, bonusen är upplåst och blir tillgänglig för handel. Begränsad tid Bonus erbjudanden. Från tid till annan har mäklare särskilda erbjudanden. Dessa är inte korrigerade, skiljer sig från mäklare till mäklare och inkluderar men är inte begränsade till gåvor eller Möjlighet att vinna speciella priser eller till och med en högre bonusprocent för din första insättning. Ofta kommer mäklarerepresentanter att skynda dig till att deponera och säga att erbjudandet är giltigt endast idag och du måste öppna ditt konto direkt så att du inte missar chansen men Från min erfarenhet, varar denna typ av erbjudande vanligtvis mer. Special Bonuses. Some mäklare erbjuder utöver vanliga bonusar som ofta är begränsade tidstilbud eller sällsynta händelser. Exempelvis hade Zone Options ett begränsat erbjudande som heter Dubbel din vinst Under kampanjperioden Om deltagaren gjort 10 affärer av lika stora mängder skulle mäklaren fördubbla vinsten från de framgångsrika affärer. Samma mäklare erbjuder First Trade Risk Free den näringsidkare c En får tillbaka sina pengar på den första handeln om det löpt ut Utan pengarna Särskilda villkor gäller för denna typ av bonusar och de ses sällan, som jag nämnde tidigare, men håll ögonen öppna därför att nästa speciella bonus kan vara precis runt Corner. Educational Bonus. This bonusen har ingen direkt koppling till pengar. Du kommer att få en gratis e-bok eller tillgång till ett webinar vid din första insättning. Jag sa att det inte har någon direkt koppling till pengar eftersom du självklart inte får några pengar, men om Utbildningsmaterial som mottas är bra, det kommer att göra dig pengar i framtiden. Behöva en vän Bonus. Referera en vän bonus erhålls när en befintlig kund övertalar en annan person att öppna ett konto med samma mäklare och finansiera det. Ett vanligt villkor är att Båda handlarna öppnar åtminstone en handel på plattformen men som du redan vet kommer alla bonusar med många andra strängar bifogade så jag rekommenderar att du läser deras Referera en väns politik helt och hållet Tänk också på en annan sak om mäklaren y Ou hänvisar din vän till att inte vara 100 pålitlig och pålitlig, kommer du att kasta din vän i lejonens grop, vet att han eller hon kommer att bli scammed eller duped till att investera mer pengar med en dålig mäklare. Hmmm, det skulle jag inte göra..Trading tävlingar är inte precis bonusar eftersom du måste handla bra för att få priset, men jag kommer att lista dem som en bonus eftersom ofta handlaren inte riskerar sina egna pengar istället används virtuella pengar och i slutet av Tävling den högst rankade näringsidkaren eller de första 3 brukar få ett pengepris eller gåvor, beroende på mäklare som organiserar tävlingen Vissa tävlingar kräver att näringsidkaren använder sitt riktiga konto och i slutet av tävlingsperioden får vinnaren priset på Toppen av hans vinst från trading. VIP Bonuses. Regular handlare som oss kan inte få en sådan bonus eftersom det kräver en stor första insättning över 100K Men den lyckliga rike killen som sätter in en sådan summa kommer att få hjälp med att få Ting biljetter till en utsåld händelse, en personlig online assistent för att svara på hans samtal, beställa gåvor online och andra förmåner jag har bara sett denna typ av bonus en gång och jag tycker inte att det är användbart på grund av den enorma insättningen som krävs. Fri Bonus , Ingen insättning behövs. Låt mig ställa detta rakt från början det finns ingen sådan sak som en gratis gåva i denna bransch. Om du har blivit erbjuden en bonus utan insättning, var medveten om att för att kunna dra tillbaka din bonus och vinst du kanske Måste sätta in mer balans i ditt konto och följa insatsregler Som vi har pratat ovan erbjuder de flesta binära optionsmäklare någon form av bonus med din första insättning. Detta är tänkt att söta upp avtalet, men det kommer vanligtvis med en klibbig sträng fäst nu Vissa mäklare erbjuder en fri bonus Ta reda på vad den här älsklingfångeln betyder för dig och din handel. Få din gratis binära optionsbonus, ingen insättning behövs. Vissa mäklare använder den här nya beten för att locka handlare i veckan Som vi sett i första delen Av den här artikeln, regelbundna bonusar som du får när du lägger in pengar kommer med löjliga handelsbegränsningar och minsta handelsvolymer, kan du föreställa dig vad det kan ta för en gratis bonus att faktiskt rensa in i ditt konto De kan lika väl kalla det ett demokonto När du handlar tillräckligt för att tjäna pengar kan du bli avskedad från att handla dina egna riktiga pengar. En normal inbetalningsbonus med vanliga pengar kommer vanligen med en minsta handelsvolym som är lika med 20 eller 30 gånger den totala originalen Balans och bonusen har jag sett så lite som 15 och andra så höga som 50 beroende på storleken på bonusen och storleken på kontot jag var helt flabbergasted när jag började checka in i dessa förmodligen fria bonusar. Vad får du med En gratis bonus. För det här exemplet kommer jag att använda en mäklare som heter BINOA Också ett bra exempel på en skuggig mäklare Det har redan tagits ner Det finns många andra men det här är en mäklare jag har granskat tidigare och en som fortfarande Accepterar amerikanska handlaren S, även om de är begränsade De erbjuder en 50 gratis bonus bara för att öppna ett konto Det här är bra, men vad får 50 verkligen dig Först när du läser användarvillkoren ser du ett uttalande som säger att du måste Gör minst en insättning innan du gör ett tillbakadragande Detta innebär att även om de fria pengarna visar sig vara gratis måste du fortfarande göra en insättning innan du kan få det. För att kunna göra ett uttag måste du också handla minst 20 Gånger den ursprungliga insättningen plus eventuella bonusar Alla uttag kan också inkludera en avgift på 35 dollar. Det finns inget omnämnande av ett gratis uttag eller gratis uttag med höga konton, bara 35 för varje uttag. BINOA erbjuder också andra bonusar tillsammans med sina konton Eftersom du måste göra en insättning innan du ens kan tänka dig att ta ut dina gratis pengar är det troligt att du kommer att få en annan bonus också Gräva djupare i användarvillkoren Jag upptäckte också att om du tar en bonus måste du handla 20X minimum Innan du drar ut några pengar, annars förlorar du alla bonusar och vinster Så i slutändan måste du göra en insättning för att få några bonusar, inklusive gratis 50, och handla sedan minst 20 gånger innan du gör ett uttag och betalar sedan 35 vardera Tid du gör ett tillbakadragande Det ser ut som om 50 är bara ett sätt att få ett gratis uttag om du vill handla 20 gånger ditt konto innan du tar ut några vinster jag inte vet om dig, men om jag handlar 10 000, och Gör 10 gånger dess värde 100.000, jag kommer att vilja ta ut lite pengar och gå kasta en fest. Det är en fri bonus värd det. Inte riktigt Åtminstone inte enligt min mening Tänk på det Det är bara 50 Även om du gör Minsta insättning, som med denna mäklare varierar enligt metod men det är cirka 50 till 100 måste du göra en hel del affärer för att få det. Ett konto på 100 minsta gratis 50 måste handla 2000 innan du faktiskt kan få Pengar och när du vill dra tillbaka, enligt BINOA: s uttagspolicy Tar det upp till 45 dagar för att få det Så är det värt Är det jag menar, kanske om du använder kontot som ett praktikkonto, men i det fallet kommer du förmodligen att göra de minsta affärerna möjliga Mindre handlare betyder mer Handlar om du återkommer 30 per månad på det totala kontot kan det ta dig mer än ett år att nå 20 gånger den volym som krävs för att få bonusen. Vi kan lura mäklare också. Väl, kanske Om du är riktigt bra och kan Göra flera stora affärer i rad utan att förlora att du kan få de fria pengarna Om du handlar 100 på 100 varje gång och returnerar webbplatsens genomsnitt på 70 varje gång kommer du att nå minsta volymen på endast sex affärer Sex affärer ser inte ut som Mycket, men när var sista gången hade du sex affärer nära i pengarna i följd När var sista gången du gjorde det regelbundet Det är möjligt, men i det här scenariot tar det bara en handel att förlora hela kontot och vem får Den fria 50 tipset du inte. Lyckligt efter så mycket yapping fr Om min del är du för närvarande ganska bekant med binära alternativbonuser och hur de fungerar men vad är baslinjen, slutsatsen behöver du verkligen den handelsbonusen eller inte? Här är den sista delen av denna Monster-artikel där den frågan kommer att slutligen Besvaras. Några orsaker till att du verkligen inte vill ha det. Bonusen är ett hotat problem. Vissa mäklare har dem, vissa mäklare gör det. Vissa mäklare använder dem som ett vapen och andra erbjuder dem bara som lite extra. Oavsett fallet Det finns några anledningar till varför du kanske inte vill ta en jag vet att det är väldigt attraktivt att erbjudas en extra 100 eller 50 eller 100 av din insättning men du måste vara medveten om några saker först Som vi har sagt här på BOTS gång på gång, gratis är egentligen inte ledigt, speciellt när det gäller binära alternativ Du måste förstå att det finns en anledning till att mäklare erbjuder bonusar och det är inte för att de tycker om dig, ja, inte exakt De gillar att du ska deponera Dina pengar och Sedan lämna det där De bästa mäklarna kommer att få en bonus, men du måste acceptera det eller be om det. Det värsta kommer att lägga till det automatiskt med den genomsnittliga mäklaren som faller någonstans mellan. Det allra första du måste vara medveten om är Att alla bonusar kommer med ett handelsvolymminimum som du måste nå innan bonuspenningen verkligen är din. Och det antas att bonusen någonsin är berättigad till återkallande eftersom de alla är o Handeln är en mängd handel som genereras av ditt konto lika Till ett förinställt belopp Detta är oftast i intervallet 15 till 50 gånger den ursprungliga insättningen eller kontobalansen bonusen Detta nummer är det belopp du måste riskera, inte hur mycket du måste vinna Om du sätter in 100, får du 100 kontanter Match bonus och ett 30 gånger insättningsbonus minimum måste du göra 6000 i trades Om du skulle använda sound money management i din handel och inte spela stora belopp du kanske måste göra så många som 800 affärer eller mer bara för att möta minsta Jag gör inte Vet om dig men jag handlar inte med mycket frekvens Jag kan göra 6 eller 7 affärer per vecka beroende på förhållanden vilket innebär att det kan ta mig över två år för att nå handelsvolymen. Det här är bara anledningen till att bonusar kan leda dig Att göra riskfyllda affärer och varför mäklarna vill att du ska ta en. Nu, förutom handelsminimum finns det också en återkallningsbegränsning. Detta är kanske den främsta anledningen till att mäklare vill att du ska ta en bonus. Det gör att du lämnar dina pengar I kontot så att du måste uppfylla det minsta jag förstår att det måste finnas några begränsningar, de kommer inte bara ge pengar bort, men det är något som vissa mäklare använder till deras fördel. Så här fungerar det, du kan inte göra en Tillbakadragning tills du möter handelsminimum Detta inkluderar dina pengar, bonuspenningen och alla vinster som genereras av ditt konto Faktum är att de flesta mäklare automatiskt avbryter bonusen om du ens försöker ta ut pengar i förväg CySEC-reglerade mäklare är mycket bättre om Bonus - och uttagspolicyerna De låter dig i varje fall ta ut en del av din huvudstol och vinster på grundval av grunden när du uppfyller vissa nivåer av minimikraven. Var situationen blir väldigt klibbig och inte på ett bra sätt är när du Ta mer än en bonus Det kan innebära att du aldrig kommer att kunna göra en uttagning Det betyder att du måste rensa inte en, men två, bonuskrav och de är inte uppfyllda samtidigt. Du måste först rensa den och sedan Den andra Och låt oss inte komma in när du tar en bonus på bonuspengar Mäklare, även en bra, kan använda detta faktum som en taktik för att behålla dina pengar Erbjudande bonusar så ofta och av så många skäl att du kan förlora fullständig medvetenhet om Hur mycket du faktiskt har tagit Och allt detta överväger inte ens mängden skräppost och telefonsamtal som du kommer att få från ditt kontorepresentant Du vet att det gamla ordsteget aldrig matar in en omgång Det är av en anledning När du tar en bonus, Och speciellt Om du tar en extra bonus kommer du att bli skadad av din mäklare varje chans att de kan hitta. Det är lätt att se varför bonusar kan suga. Jag är säker på att du nu kan förstå varför jag inte gillar att rekommendera stora bonusar. Det finns Argument för att de kan förbättra dina avkastningar, förbättra din förvaltning och är bra för låga insättare och det är sant Men du behöver veta vad du kommer in innan du tar en eller du kommer att bli mycket förvånad när du försöker göra Ett uttag A 50 max bonus är vår utgångspunkt För att få din bonus bara registrera dig hos en av våra rekommenderade mäklare. Whew Nu var det en lång, men med tanke på att så många problem händer eftersom folk inte förstår hur binär optionsbonus fungerar, Jag tycker att det var nödvändigt att ta med dig en Masterartikel som talar om alla de viktigaste aspekterna, riskerna och fördelarna med den här viktiga funktionen. Nu vet du. HEMMAR det finns ingen sådan sak som en gratis present. 7 Binära alternativ. 7 Binära alternativ. Det finns mor E än 400 handelsplattformar eller mäklare Detta var inte fallet 2008 när binäroptionshandeln startade eftersom det var cirka 10 handelsplattformar. Framväxten av många mäklare har varit bra eftersom den har skapat hög konkurrens, vilket är fördelaktigt för investerarna när det gäller mer Bonusar och hög avkastning. Binäralternativ Mäklarsammanfattning. När du börjar handla i binära alternativ är en av de viktigaste besluten att välja rätt mäklare. Det här är en uppgift som vi har gjort det enkla för dig eftersom vi har tittat och testat för de mest tillförlitliga och Bästa mäklare och inkluderade dem på våra binära alternativ mäklare jämförelse. Bläddra på vår hemsida med full tillförsikt, vi ger mest tillförlitliga, exakta och aktuella info om mäklare från hela världen. Börja med 3 enkla steg. Välj en mäklare från Lista nedan. Best Binära Options Mäklare och Trading Platforms. Register en mäklare konto. Jag använder personligen sex olika mäklare för handel och rekommenderar alla seriösa handlare att öppna några accou Nts till olika mäklare för att få ett bra utbud av tillgångar. Börja handel med fyra enkla steg. Bäst alternativa mäklare 2016. För närvarande finns det ingen tillsynsmyndighet som kan övervaka och reglera alla binära alternativ och Forex-aktiviteter över hela världen Under åren Det har skett en märkbar ökning av dessa affärer Detta kan bero på ökad tillgänglighet och framsteg inom teknik över hela världen Som ett resultat har olika regleringsorgan bildats för att reglera binära alternativ och Forex-aktiviteter. I de flesta fall fungerar sådana organ Inom vissa geografiska områden och deras huvuduppgift är att övervaka de olika binära alternativen och binärmäklare i sådana regioner i ett försök att skydda handlare och övervaka de bästa metoderna hos sådana mäklare. Många binära alternativ och Forex-mäklare har lockande handelsplattformar utöver en Horde av fantastiska attraktioner för sina handlare Med tanke på detta undrar många handlare om det är okej att bara investera i något binärt optio Ns eller Forex-mäklare Sanningen är att inte alla mäklare på marknaden idag är välrenommerade. I USA finns det till exempel strikta regler som har ålagts för mäklare i regionen att kunna acceptera amerikanska baserade handelsmän. Det är sådana regler som gör att vissa mäklare inte kan acceptera näringsidkare från vissa geografiska regioner. I stället för att gå igenom alla problem för att fastställa de bästa mäklarena på marknaden har vi undersökt marknaden omfattande och presenterar gärna dina bästa binära alternativ och Forexmäklare i år. Alla de binära alternativen och Forex-mäklare som vi har rekommenderat på denna sida har testats och godkänts för att vara äkta och att leverera upp till sitt löfte. Vi har också gått ett steg vidare för att gruppera de rekommenderade mäklarena enligt regionerna de Operera i bästa indiska binära alternativ mäklare Som sådan behöver du bara hitta din föredragna mäklare från följande lista, baserat på din geografiska plats, varefter du bara behöver Registrera dig och börja handla genast. Rekommenderade mäklare i USA. För närvarande finns det två huvudsakliga regleringsorgan för alla binära alternativ och Forex-mäklare i USA. De två organen är Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC och National Futures Association NFA enligt Enligt gällande bestämmelser är det inte olagligt för någon mäklare att acceptera handlare som är baserade i USA. Om någon tvist uppstår mellan näringsidkaren och mäklaren är mäklaren, antingen binära alternativ eller Forex, ansvarig för åtal i De senaste åren har majoriteten av sådana åtal lett till stora böter och påföljder på sidan av mäklarna. Som ett resultat av detta har det funnits två olika kategorier av binära alternativ och Forex-mäklare som accepterar handelsföretag i USA. Dessa kategorier är De mäklare som vederbörligen regleras av någon av de två tillsynsorganen i USA och offshore-mäklare, som inte regleras av någon av de två organen. De flesta av de binära alternativen för oss Mäklare som accepterar amerikanska baserade handlare har handelsplattformar som är felfria. Men du behöver fortfarande göra egen forskning på en viss mäklare innan du handlar med dem. Vi har dock gjort processen mycket enklare för dig vi har forskat, försökt och verifierat Mäklare i vår rekommenderade lista är effektiva och äkta. Bästmäklare accepterar amerikanska kunder. Status för binäroptionshandel i Ryssland. I Ryssland betraktas binär optionshandel som ett allvarligt investeringsmedel. Men från och med denna tid finns det ingen Officiella binära föreskrifter i Ryssland En stor del av rika ryska invånare väljer att investera offshore och de ger inget undantag när det gäller binär optionshandel Problemet som uppkommer i denna situation är att offshoreinvesteringar är utom räckhåll för de ryska regeringens regler och skatt Lagar. Den senaste ökningen av export av kapital från Ryssland är en tydlig indikator på att majoriteten av dem som handlar binära alternativ snarare skulle kompensera sina investeringar till Fshore binära alternativ mäklare än att hantera de få företag som handlar binära alternativ i Ryssland. En stor del av de binära alternativmäklare som härstammar i Ryssland märker denna trend mot offshoreinvesteringar och vill nu registreras eller flyttas på annat håll. Cypern är alltid en Föredraget läge på grund av deras lågskattiga och investeringsvänliga persona som är närvarande i detta land. I takt med att Dragon Options, en rysk binär optionsmäklare, är licensierad via CySEC Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission finns det för närvarande uppskattningsvis 31 miljarder i ryska fonder in bank accounts in Cyprus Therefore, you can certainly ascertain that a lot of these funds include investments in binary options. There also exist some limitations to the amount of money that foreign clients who want to invest in binary options in Russia can send in foreign currency deposits Presently, bank transfers from certain foreign banks and or countries are considered illegal either under Russian law , or by the dictates of the economic sanctions. Also, there are limitations as to the amount of money that foreign clients who wish to trade with binary options are able to send via foreign currency Currently, transfers from certain banks are considered illegal from certain foreign countries and banking institutions under Russian law and economic sanctions. The current status of binary options trading in Russia is as follows.1 Binary options trading is legal in Russia.2 Binary options brokers in Russia are not regulated.3 CySEC regulated brokers appear to be the preferred method of trading for those who currently trade binary options in Russia.4 Any binary options trading that take place in companies based in Russia are subject to taxation.5 Sanctions are currently a threat to binary options trading and investments of Russian citizens. Implications for Binary Options Traders in Russia. A primary reason for concern for those who trade binary options in Russia is the effect that the sanction s have on their investments A great number of sanctions have been placed on Russian business and this has had an effect on business when it comes to financial dealing with Western banks As well it has restricted access to many foreign markets. For example, it is now going to be quite challenging for Russian citizen to participate in binary options trading with those American-based corporations that provide services for overseas clients including Cantor Exchange It is going to be just as difficult for Russian residents to trade with core EU binary options trading platforms Those brokers located in Cyprus are lucky isolated from this situation however, there is no guarantee that this will be the case in the future. As part of the bailout to redeem the government in Cyprus from bankruptcy in 2013, the Laiki Bank which was the second biggest financial institution in Cyprus, was closed Those with accounts containing greater than 100,000 Euros were shut down and their funds were expropriated b y the government in Cyprus Any outstanding debts were transferred to the Bank of Cyprus, which then exploited a very large portion of those aforementioned accounts as well as those accounts containing over 1 million Euros Most of those accounts were owned by Russian investors.1 Those accounts are on hold with locally based binary options brokers thus subjecting those holders to the tax dragnet.2 Maintaining the status quo with those trading accounts with offshore brokers, which contain the risk of more sanctions. Due to these crippling sanctions, and falling oil prices the Russian government is in grave danger of a major crisis At some point, there will be a need to increase taxation or at least broaden it as much as possible with will be primary focus on binary options trading investments. Thus as a result, binary options investors in Russia are also faced with the situation that their currency is rapidly depreciation as it is directly affected by the sanctions In these situations, ther e is a tendency to rush to switch the local currency for a more stable foreign one such as the US dollar The government will thus respond by setting strict limitations as to how much foreign currency a Russian resident is able to purchase or have in their bank accounts This is indeed a dire and sticky situation for all those involved. The Future of Binary Options Regulation in Russia. Heading into the future, binary options traders will have to make a great deal of tough decisions The decrease in the Rouble means that Russian traders will now have to pay higher rates to set up an account with an offshore broker These trades will also have to be done with caution as the selection of brokers is now a cause for detailed considerations. There was already an increased frenzy for Euros and US in Russia in November of 2014 as many Russian citizens were in a rush to secure funds It may be beneficial for those in Russia who wish to trade binary options to consider brokers in those areas without th e stamina of the US or EU due to the sanctions If they do so, there is a far better chance that their investment will be a lot more secure. Tips for Comparing and Choosing a Binary Options Trading Broker. The world of trading offers many exciting opportunities and they can be best enjoyed with the guidance of a binary options broker Choosing a broker that works best for your trading needs can be a daunting and frightening experience but it s a necessary one for certain The brokers can help them perform better when trading and instruct them on getting the best return on their investment. There are several binary options brokers out there who are eager to assist you as a client However, it is important to remember that choosing a binary options broker can be a detailed process and it s important to find one that is capable of performing all of the necessary trading tasks Below are some helpful tips to simplify the process and assist with finding the best broker for your trading needs.1 Depo sit bonus how much bonus you get on your first deposit and redeposit.2 Payout Binary options trading produces varied payouts Some brokers present variable options that allow them to exit the options prior to the expiration date Sometimes brokers for example 24Option allow payouts as great as ninety one percent per trade The goal for most people in trading is to make money and with a great binary broker, they can succeed In addition, look for the following benefits. Various Payment Options High Bonuses Outstanding Customer Support.3 Deposit and withdrawal options the trading platforms have different ways of depositing and withdrawing money Check the one that is suitable for you.4 Types of stock options and warrants closing times.5 Minimum deposit trading platforms require different amounts of minimum deposit for you to start trading Look for the one that is suitable for you.6 Trading tools some trading platforms may have trading signals and automatic trading while some do not have Choose the platform depending on the trading tools that you prefer.7 Demo account various trading platforms cater for its binary options traders, especially the first time investors by providing them with a demo account This helps to create experience in trading before ones does the actual trading.8 Customer service find out if the trading platform has good customer service to cater for all your enquiries concerning binary option trading.9 Simple User Interface This is a dependable and professionally structured trading program that offers a simple user interface This helps to conserve time and effort for the user The majority of the programs are web based and should be and is recognized as a simple program with interactive controls.10 Multiple Asset Investing One of the major benefits of professional software is that is doesn t restrict investing Dependable binary options brokers should provide a means for investors to make multiple investments in various assets such as forex commodities and stocks This increases the profit margin for the investor.11 Expiry Dates Info Dependable brokers offer expiry dates on a weekly frequency, while offering some daily or hourly options as well The maximum trade control is obtained only when maximum expiry details exists.12 Payout of Maximum Percentage Dependable brokers offer their clients maximum payout percentage Search for trade option platforms that present between 75 to 91 percent payout and even the unsuccessful trades will generate about a 5 to 10 percent return to investors.13 Multiple Languages Global trading options makes it extremely beneficial to have multiple languages and therefore, the platforms are being presented to support the language spectrum as well. Despite the trading platforms having a lot in common, their way of trading may differ in terms of bonuses, initial deposit, the maximum payout, their means of depositing and withdrawing money, time of trading and their customer service You may also find trading platforms , which give back to the trader a certain percentage of their investment if they do not win the returns Therefore, it is important to find out information about the trading platforms before deciding on the ones to use Using a binary option robot is often also profitable. Basics of Binary Option Trading. What Types of Assets Are Available. Binary trading offers a wide variety of trading options including commodities, currency pairs indices and stocks With all of these options, you are not limited to one type of trading asset only, opening you to an exciting world of trading You now have the ability to trade Apple stock foreign currencies, gold or silver from the same trading platform You have the option to trade internationally without having to go back and forth between various brokers. The good thing is that many of these top brokers allow traders to utilize their trading platforms without any issues and offer a wide array of indices and stocks from both Asia and Europe All of your trades can be basically done on the same site without having to switch between multiple screens and systems Binary options brokers are essentially a one-stop site for all of your trading needs. How Long Is the Average Trade. When trading binary options, you need to keep in mind that every trade has a strict time frame that you need to adhere They vary in length from 60 seconds or longer You get to choose which time frame best fits your lifestyle If you aren t a fan of waiting around for productive trades, you can opt for 5 minute or even 60 seconds trading If you have more patience, there are 60 minute trades or longer trading options available as well. One of the important things to remember regarding expiry times is that they are able to be changed only until you have made a commitment to that particular trade Once you have authorized a specific trade, you simply sit back and wait until it is completed This differs from other types of financial trading in which you can sell your accumulated s hares at any time There are brokers that will let you sell your trade for a minimal refund However this is a rare situation for those who are more experience at trading binary options. Most Common Types of Binary Options. In binary options, there are three main kinds of trades.1 The first is called the call put option In this type of trade, you simply need to predict whether the price of a particular asset will rise or fall by the expiry time.2 One-touch trades are when you are issued a target price from the start of a trade If your chosen asset reaches that set price during the expiry time, you will profit This set price is determined by your specific broker well before you execute the trade so you will have time to do your research and prepare in advance.3 The final of these three common trades is called the boundary trade The broker will issue a variety of prices and you must determine if the price of the asset will remain in the given range or fall outside of the targeted range. Each of these trades offers a few variations and some of the more exotic varieties of each often have substantial payouts as high as even 300 depending upon your individual broker An example of this is one touch trades that have an uncommon target rate In order to achieve this type of payout, you need to opt for the option that is hardest to reach, in other words, you would need to predict that yes, and the far off price will in fact be the end result of the trade These trades produce higher return as they are most often more difficult to achieve the correct result. Which Binary Option Should I Choose. It is up to you to ultimately determine which type of asset is best for you You first need to evaluate your level of experience Do you have experience with the Forex market and are looking for a new and more profitable way to trade If this applies to you, you will easily be able to apply your strategies to the binary options market Or does your expertise come from day trading Are you looking to rid yourself of some of the risk involved in day trading Then binary options can certainly benefit you as you have the ability to focus on those assets with which you are most familiar. However, the factor that should ultimately drive your chose of trade is your personal trading goals You should first determine your specific goals and then devise a plan to these goals Say you want to make about a thousand dollars a week, then you need to decide which options will essentially help you reach this goal as well as which time frames will help achieve this set goal. The answers to these questions vary for each trader However, you should always go for quality trades rather than quantity Six successful daily trades will yield a higher routine than five losing and seven winning trades Take the time to consider your options and the possible outcomes before placing your trades to end up with more profitable results. Broker Reviews. We have included here shorter reviews of the best brokers in the mar ket right now Full reviews can be found on their own review pages that you can access from the full broker list at the top of this page. IQoption Broker Review. IQoption is a unique binary options broker in many aspects Their accounts differ slightly from other brokers, they have a customized trading platform and all of their features are available once one makes their initial minimum deposit However, we view these features as positive, as trading with IQoption is a rather innovative experience as traders are provided with an advanced trading experience and superior customer service After our detailed IQoption review, we can say that we are extremely pleased with their services and we highly recommend this broker to our readers. Best Features. Free Demo Account Minimum Deposit of only 10 Cysec, Regafi, CNMV, FCA, Consob regulated. IQoption Special features. We already mentioned in the beginning of our IQoption review that they offer some really unique features In fact, they were the first broker that actually offered their demo account completely free of charge. As well, they increased their maximum profit returns to 85 and decreased the required minimum trading deposit to only 10 In addition, they offer a multitude of other innovative features that traders can unlock with varying low deposit amounts. IQoption is ideal for those who are new to the world of binary options trading with their low deposit and free demo account Even those who are wary of risk can feel at ease utilising this brokerage service. IQoption offers three different account options As per usual, all of these do require a minimum deposit to unlock the additional returns However, IQoption offers these at such a low rate that even average traders can achieve VIP status after only a 3,000 deposit During our IQoption review, we determined that this platform is extremely user-friendly Their main goal appears to be customer education in the effort to get traders to achieve winning trades. This can easily be reiterated with the Free Demo Account offered by IQoption which is a demo of their starter, basic account We chose to begin our IQoption review from this account level as it did not require any initial deposit amount and the signup process was extremely easy Normally, a demo account is just a startup feature offered only on accounts that require a paid deposit, but with this broker, it is a free-standing feature containing the following. No risk Ability to try out the trading platform 100 in virtual trading funds. If you want to quickly and easily create an account, you can sign up through Google or Facebook During our IQoption broker review, we promptly received our activation email, but the activation link was invalid If you encounter a similar problem you can use log in manually using the password supplied in the email. IQoption Real Account. Starts already with a 10 deposit Access to all assets Access to trading competitions. IQoption VIP account. Accessible after 3,000 deposit Access to personal account manager Access to a monthly meeting with a financial analyst to further discuss trading strategies Speedy withdrawal process. With IQoption, building a career in binary options trading just becomes a great deal cheaper and more convenient After reading our IQoption review, we are certain that many of our readers will begin feel at ease trading binary options as this service provides an easy way to begin. In addition to the various services offered in their accounts, traders have access to an educational system that is web based and interactive A plus is that this is available in a variety of languages including French, Polish, Turkish, German, English and Japanese In fact, they offer 13 different languages altogether. IQoption has received awards for their exceptional and innovative efforts including Most Innovative Binary Options Broker at the ShowFX conference that was held in Moscow. Min Investment 1 Min Deposit 10 Max Returns 85 Max Investment 5000.Video How to Trade on IQ Option. IQoption Trading software. As this platform is updated regularly in order to provide the ultimate trading experience for their clients, the overall trading experience is outstanding with the IQoption software system. The current version of the IQoption software is the 4 0 version As our regular readers are aware, we place great importance on whole-page trading systems, so they can sense our excitement that we were able to utilize this during for our review of IQoption However, we feel that it s wrong to call the IQoption system the whole page, as it is actually just one of the many features offered by the system. Upon login, users are taken directly to the trading platform on which a multitude of additional useful tools and likes are available on the left-hand side of the menu On the right-hand side of the menu, there is the navigational panel on which the users can get insight from traders The center of the page contains the enormous graphing tool that displays the most up-to-date trading stats. Users have the ability to select between 2 binary options types on the left side of the page The number of open positions for each is displayed in a small bubble The graph and move controls work independently of one another so it may take users some time and effort to get used to maneuvering the graph controls. The deposit and withdrawal panels are also contained on the interface As they are outstanding, thus eliminating the need to constantly communicate with customer support. Along the bottom of the system interface is a list of real-time trades that are being acted upon by other registered clients This tool can help the trader to determine which direction the market is headed without aggregating the sentiment as is the case with the SpotOption Platform. There is a mobile version of the IQoption software available for those users who like to trade while out and about The IQoption m obile app is a free download app on both IOS and Android operating systems The only drawback of this feature is, it only offers turbo and high low options for trading Also they do not offer any special options with significantly high returns We feel that the IQoption trading system is most compatible for those who are new to trading as well as those who trade at a somewhat intermediate level. Note Those users who reside in Canada currently cannot access the IQoption web-based platform however they do have the ability to use the mobile app. Assets that are available are numerous and include a great variety of stocks, indices, assets and currencies This is more than enough variety for those traders who wish to develop a more diversified portfolio that will allow them to contend even more divergent market levity. Basic Information. Expiry Times. 60 sec 2min 5min 15 min 1 hr End of Day. Trade Options. 60seconds High Low. Indices Commodities Currencies Stocks. IQoption Support information. The support system may be a little unfamiliar from what traders might have experienced with other binary options trading brokers Those users with VIP accounts are given a personal account manager who will assist with any issues that may arise Those with Demo accounts need to upgrade to the Real Account offered by IQoption in order to be able to contact customer support However, the system does provide a phone support option Users are able to contact the staff via live chat, Skype and email The FAQ section is extremely detailed and can answer a great many questions that one may have about IQoption policies and services. Live chat is available in the trading room as is offered in the following languages. English Russian Turkish German Spanish Portuguese Chinese Swedish Norwegian Korean French Arabic Indonesian Slovak Italian. IQoption Banking and Company Information. We cannot stress enough how easy it is to bank with IQoption Every single process including withdrawals, deposits and payment choices are easily accessible via the same control interface that is available immediately after logging into your account. There are lists detailing which amounts are available for deposit for which account type and, as previously mentioned in our IQoption review The withdrawal process is very similar to this and only takes a few clicks to complete Users select the withdraw service and amount and then submit their request. Those with the Real IQoption account should see their withdrawal amount in 3 business day s max, while VIP users will have their funds within 24 hours For withdrawal, users can use credit card WebMOney, Qiwi, Yandex or wire to receive their funds The credit cards accept for both depo sits and withdrawals are Maestro and Visa For net wallets, these include CashU, Skrill POLi and WebMoney. While deposits are generally free, there may be a 5 free for credit cards and as high as 50 for bank wire for withdrawal The minimum withdrawal however is only 10 Users are able tack their trading, transaction and operating history in their control panel. IQ Option Europe Ltd, the company behind the brokerage, was extremely helpful and polite during our review of IQoption In addition to being regulated under CySEC, this broker is also associated with FMRRC, Consob FCA and Regafi.7 Binary Options Rating. Banc De Binary Review. UPDATE 12 01 2017.We have found out that Banc de Binary is closed. We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead. Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading. As it was founded in 2008, Banc de Binary is one of the oldest binary options brokers in existence It is controlled by Banc De Binary Ltd and is regulated b y the Exchange Commission and Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission since July 1, 2013 under license license number 188 13.Their physical address is 4, Profiti Ilia Street Kanika International Business Centre Office 401 Germasogeia CY-4046 Limassol, Cyprus Under 596375, they are also registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and are governed by other such regulatory bodies from various countries. We must inform our readers to avoid any confusion that there are two different websites for Banc de Binary is under the authority of Ash Ltd and it s affiliate, under domain 204033843 Address Sofia 1463, Sofia District, Bulgaria Their trading address of Ash Ltd UL Stoney Ground, P O Box 1823, VC - 100 Kingstown, St Vincent, Grenadyny. If you are outside of the European Union Ash Ltd operates this website Their services are not available for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand residents However, is owned and operated by Banc De Binary Ltd Which site you will lend one depends on where you are located The details are the same including licensing information, business address and so forth. Is Banc de Binary a Scam. Banc de Binary EU has recently gained recognition by the FCA while other brands have achieved regulation with CySEC This is a step towards regulation in European subsidiaries However, we learned from a respected Financial B2B website, that banc de binary is having problem with the US authorities. The issue between the US and Banc de Binary has since been resolved and is now in the past Banc de Binary is now regulated and has partnered with the Liverpool Football Club However the amounts of complaints are overwhelming and cannot be ignored The majority of complaints are centered on loss of money and their aggressive sales tactics This therefore makes having a direct answer to Is this a scam rather challenging It all depends on whom you ask. Officials like FCA and CySEC seem to have no issues with Banc de Binary, as well as the Liverpool Football Club As we state d previously, the issues with the US are now in the past So the short answer is that Banc de Binary is not a scam it is of the most reliable brokers in the business. Did You Know. The Banc de Binary website does provide a lot more information about binary options trading than most other brokers In my opinion, having this complex educational material handy is a plus Keeping in mind that when I say complex I am stating that this is in comparison to the majority of other mainstream brokers, not educational and informative sites such as ours. Is it Worth It to Open Account with Banc de Binary. My first impression of the Banc de Binary website is that it is quite organized and easy to use not too much information squeezed together on one page. Upon pursuing their platform powered by Spot Option, I discovered it was very user-friendly with a wide variety of features for experienced traders and newbie alike You don t have to download any software as everything can easily be accessed online This is one of the benefits of a Spot Option powered trading system The Banc de Binary platform features 60 Seconds trading, One Touch, a functional Option Builder and other features. Banc De Binary Trading Platform. Their returns average between 70 and 91 for In the Money Options However, I noticed that the 91 return is few and far between However, this is good for sales and marketing the platform The average appears to be a steady 72 , which is the norm for binary options trading. Banc de Binary does offer different account types, meaning you will acquire more benefits as you deposit higher funds The lower-end account is the Bronze account The initial deposit is 250 EUR The next level is the Silver account which requires a minimum deposit of 2,500 EUR and finally the Gold account in which the minimum deposit is 5,000 EUR At one time Banc de Binary did offer a VIP account which had excellent benefits but honestly, I have noticed that most other brokers offer those same features with standard ac counts with a lesser deposit. Once your deposit exceeds 100,000 you will be treated like royalty You will be assigned a personal assistant to book your appointment, place your calls, place orders for online gifts and promotions and so forth They will also assist you if you need access to a specific guest list or even tickets to an event that are sold out It seems very glamorous, but honestly, if we want to keep it real, not everyone really has 100,000 to invest in binary options trading. This being said, my honest opinion is that Banc de Binary is basing their clientele on the high rollers as the benefits they offer to regular traders aren t all that appealing If you are able to invest upwards of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars trading binary options, then Banc de Binary is an excellent outlet However, if you are the average trader, I would look for another platform which is more suited to your personal needs and finances, such as Option Robot or IQ Option. The VIP account i s called the Lion Premium account, on which eligibility is a deposit of at least 10,000 Euro They do not provide the benefits on the website and quite understandably, I did not invest this sum so I cannot offer you any insights as to the level of services provided with this account. Video Banc De Binary Interview with the Experts on Strategies. Banc De Binary Complaints. We are constantly on the lookout for scam or fraud alerts, and complaints regarding binary options trading platforms, brokers and auto bots by performing a simple internet search such as one you could easily do on your laptop. We did not find many complaints during our search for Banc de Binary The best advice we can offer our readers is to use caution when selecting a binary options trading broker and only trade with trustworthy brokers from 7 Binary Options. Banc De Binary Bonus. Banc de Binary has changed the structure of their bonus so that now it is completely under the discretion of the Account Executive Bonuses are st ill offered as high as 100 but I was unable to locate the exact turnover guidelines anywhere on their website meaning we do not know the amount you need to trade before you are able to make a withdrawal. As you may be aware, we are of the opinion that large bonus create more issues than actual benefits The main reason is that you are unable to receive the bonus until you reach the specified turnover amount This of course means the higher the bonus the more the trading volume necessary to be able to make a withdrawal A plus side to this is that traders are not required to accept the bonus. The 100 bonus is at this time only offered to those who have a Gold account or higher. Banc De Binary Withdrawal. The minimum amount you are able to withdraw with Banc de Binary is 100 EUR GBP USD It is usually processed within 5 working days by Banc de Binary but it can take longer depending on the withdrawal method of your choice until you actually see the funds in your account Banc de Binary does not c harge a fee for withdrawals, but your individual bank or other payment service may have their own set fee You were able to process withdrawals via wire transfer, Skrill MoneyBookers and Debit and Credit Cards at this time. The average time for withdrawals is 7 business days This can take additional time depending on your method which is normally 2-7 business days for bank wire, 2 to 5 business days for credit debit and Skrill can either be instantaneously or within 24 hours. Banc De Binary Extras. Banc de Binary offers a Free ZuluTrade feature which is a popular social trading platform on which you can follow professional and successful traders in reference to their Zulu Rank and profit loss margin. Banc De Binary Features. User Friendliness. Banc de Binary offers their website in 10 different languages This Spot Option 2 0 platform is extremely user friendly except for the fact that a lot of information is sometimes clustered into one spot. Number of assets and expiry times. Banc de Binary of fers a variety of trading assets including 23 indices, 8 commodities 25 currency pairs and 97 stocks Since our last visit, we noticed an increase in these numbers, especially in the number of stocks now offered All of the standard expiry times apply including One Touch, 60 seconds trading and even an Option Builder which allows the trader to choose their own expiry time. As of August 2016, there is now a new asset category called Synthetic which offers 13 pairs In this instance you would pit stock vs another stock, indices vs another indices or a commodity vs another commodity and so forth This is commonly referred to as Pairs Tradingmissions, Support and Effective Return. While Banc de Binary doesn t charge for deposits or withdrawals, there may be some costs that occur with bank transfers or other withdrawal methods I found their customer support service to very polite and helpful, however, there can be improvement with their response time. According to Banc de Binary, their return rate can reach as high as 91 , but as I previously mentioned, this is few and far between and I have yet to see an asset that offered this rate The average seems to be 72 and some assets often reach as high as 82.Deposits, Payments and Bonuses. The minimum required deposit for Banc de Binary is 250 which can be made via Bank Wire, Skrill MoneyBookers and Credit Debit Card The payments from Banc de Binary to the customer will be applied to the same source from which they originated i e if you made your deposit via credit card, your withdrawal will be applied to the same credit card The bonus structure has recently changed The 100 bonus is still available but will be determined by your individual Account Executive The required turnover amount necessary to make a withdrawal is not listed anywhere on the Banc de Binary website so we can ascertain that this is also to be determined by your Account Executive You have the ability to accept or refuse any of the bonuses offered by Banc de Binary. Web site Extras. In my opinion the educational materials offered on the Banc de Binary website are a bit more complex than I have seen on other trading platforms They do provide a link to ZuluTrade a renowned platform for social trading. Banc de Binary SpotOption platform is now offering the ability to change time frames as well as candlestick charts.7 Binary Options Rating. Finpari Review. Finpari is controlled by two companies Lenora Impex SA which is Seychelles registered and also Norsk Inter LP, Scotland registered FinPari is not regulated by any governing bodies such as CySEC. Is Finpari A Scam. There is no concrete evidence that Finpari is a fraudulent service At the moment, we haven t heard any critical complaints of the broker, so we can only assume that Finpari is not a scam. Editor s Note. As they are built on the SpotOption platform, it might bode well on their behalf SpotOption is a reliable platform that does offer a lot of good features Finpari is based in Seychelles, which means the y are willing to accept traders from almost any country, which is more than is allowed as per CySEC regulations This makes them a prime choice for international traders. Video Binary Options Trading with Finpari. Is it recommended to open an Account with Finpari. It is not unusual for traders to sign with Finpari as many brokers prefer to register in countries such as Seychelles as they are banking friendly and thus can avoid the stricter standards set in place by organisations such as CySEC This can often be a warning sign of a fraudulent broker, but we did not find anything to support that this may be the case with Finpari as they appear to be simply another broker out to attract new investors As previously stated they are a SpotOption broker so this means that they offer a full-line of features. In addition to basic high low trading they offer One Touch, Ladder, Spot Follow and Paris They do not offer CFD or Forex trading which is a feature that is in fact offered by many other SpotOpti on based platforms Their expiry times are good and include 30, 60 and 120Second options Their long-term expiry times include end of day, intra-day, tomorrow, next week, end of week, end of the month and so forth up to 6 months which is available on some of the more common assets The Ladder Options trade similar to over under options and offer increased payouts and strikes One touch options include increased payouts up to 600 and are available on weekends The standard payout on call put trades average about 80.Finpari Features. User Friendliness. The FinPari platform is extremely user friendly I can honestly say this as SpotOption platform is my personal favourite It has most of the features offered on standard SpotOption platforms and is very easy to navigate However, I have to deduct a few points as a result of the false information about their regulations and over-the-top marketing on the main page of the website. Number Of Assets And Expiry. Finpari does offer a wide list of assets as w ell as a variety of expiry times and quite a few options for exotic trades They do not offer range but it is not necessary with the Ladders However, this is not outstanding reason to sign with FinPari as you can find these features elsewheremissions, Support and Effective Returns. This broker does not require any commission, but they do have a withdrawal fee for wire transfers Their support is decent but rather pushy when it comes to sales pressure, so keep this in mind Their educational section is so-so, not a lot to offer, but the videos are pretty food The effect return on Finpari is on par with the SpotOption standard, which is up to 600 and higher for One Touch and Ladder, 85 on call put and somewhat lover for short term 60seconds trading. Deposit, Payment And Bonus. The required minimum deposit is the standard with binary options brokers 250 and can be made via debit credit card, eWallet or wire transfer I always recommend using eWallet whenever it is feasible Finpari does accept Ne teller Skrill and others as well Payments are made to the same account on which they were deposited however, there is no limit for credit cards. Bonuses are offered in the form of one-time only deposit bonuses up to 100 or risk free trading The terms are a bit misleading In one section it says turnover deposit is only 300 3X , yet in another it says up to 20X Regardless of bonus, every deposit must be turned over at least one time in order to make a withdrawal. Broker Extras. SpotOption goes above and beyond when it comes to extras as opposed to the average hum-drum trading platform This includes Ladder options which offer a great deal of flexibility as well as increased payouts They also offer Spot Follow, which is similar to iFollow which is essentially the copy trading platform that is offered by SpotOption and supported by ZuluTrade Technology.7 Binary Options Rating.24Option Review.24Option, founded in 2009, is a true binary options pioneer 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd Rodeler Lt d is a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission CySEC license number 207 13 Founded in 2009, they are operated under Rodeler LD, which is regulated under CYSEC Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission and their license information is license number 207 13 As well they are registered with BaFin in Germany as well as the British Financial Conduct Authority FCA since 04 12 2013.Is 24Option a Scam.24Option was regulated in 2013 with CySec and therefore is not a scam operation in any way, shape or form Under the authority of CySec, any money that is exchanged with this platform is secure. The fact that they are a regulated system is the primary reason that 24Option was added to the official list of non-scam brokers However, this does not necessarily that they do not have some issues Even regulated brokers can have their cons. Fortunately, these regularity reasons are not the only factor that contributed to 24Option making our list of non-scam systems They are well-renowned f or their user friendly interface and the trading system itself, as well as the overall platform navigation is outstanding It is very easy to trade with this system and the live charts provided by 24Option are easily accessed simply by clicking on the underlying asset itself For those who wish to further examine any underlying asset, they simply have to click on the underlying asset tab to open a small pop up with information from sources such as Yahoo There is no need to leave the site to do research. These factors, as well as many others, are one of the reasons that 24Option is one of the best binary options brokers around They have made great strides toward improvement since they originated such as redesigning the platform itself, increasing the number of underlying assets and keeping up to date with the latest technology and data They seem to make it their priority to strive to be the best of the best when it comes to binary options trading. Editor s Note Why We Recommend 24Option. Whi le some binary options brokers turn out to be scams, there are many that are legit, but in fact, 24Option is one of the few brokers that are held in high esteem I can dismiss any suspicion of fraud thanks to their CySec licensing Their superior customer service and professional and attractive trading platform makes them a popular and respected broker in the world of binary options trading. The only small drawback of 24Option is that they no longer serve residents of the US due to regulation This is good news for EU clients, but a bitter disappointment for those who reside in the US Also, since the company has registered with CySec, their average return has decreased by 2 However, the licensing itself is a major plus Despite this, they still have returns as high as 88 per successful trade so this still bodes well for traders. Do I recommend opening an Account with 24Option. Since their origin 24Option has strived to greatly improve their already innovative, fully-online based platform They consistently provide traders with the necessary and easiest tools to assist them with their trading They also have an outstanding user-interface, as well as other great features Note that we have stated earlier in this review that their user-interface site navigation and overall trading experience are superlative. The main premise behind 24Options trading platform that makes them stand out from other trading platforms is that their underlying assets are arranged from shortest expiry time to the longest ie 60 seconds to end of day, except in a few cases IE When you highlight the High Low tab, you will notice the underlying assets are listed according to their expiry times The shortest are listed first and the latter tend to expire at the end of the trading day. Of course, traders have the ability to click the same tab and select the stocks or indices tab with the desire to only view specific underlying assets In each category, there are over 100 available underlying assets and again they are arranged from the shortest to longest expiry times. Overall, in my opinion these platforms are much easier to use than the others Once you are familiar with the TechFinancials platform you will discover that it a preferable solution for the majority of investors i e those who perform trades around the clock within just seconds. In my opinion, the aforementioned investors are the high risk type as opposed to the more conservative traders Both of these, however, will be well-pleased with the In-the-Money-Return feature, as there lies the possibility of 88 in-the-money as well as closing a trade prior to the expiry time to secure a winning trade or to eliminate any further losses Out-of the money trades will result in full capital loss on the specific trade.88 appears to be the average return for successful trades for underlying assets such as forex pairs and 70 for exotic and minor pairs Remember, that there is the possibility that a trader can lose their entire investment, as with an y financial trading However, these high return rates are what make 24Option one of the leading brokers in the world of binary options. The downside of this is that the minimum investment is rather high the average is 24 for the majority of trading underlying assets However, unlike other brokers, the minimum investment varies according to the individual underlying assets This could be a bit discouraging to novice traders Fortunately, 24Option does provide a demo account so new traders can practice trading with virtual money before investing live Another negative for newbie s is that their minimum deposit is slightly high at 250 I tend to prefer those brokers with lower deposit fees, but with 24Option I feel the slightly higher investment is worth it as they are regulated and licensed so therefore they can be trusted.24Option has recently partnered with the Juventus Football Club which only adds to their high credibility They were already a top-notch, highly respectable brokerage, but thi s partnership is purely an added bonus So if you re a fan of both soccer and binary options trading, this is the platform for you Also, for those who like tennis, 24Option and Boris Becker are currently offering a competition in which you have the chance to win 100 grand in USD You should take advantage of this offer now, as it will not be around forever Keep in mind, as always, that investors do risk the chance of losing their all of their money Terms and conditions apply. Their outstanding customer service makes 24Option a welcome home for the binary options trader, in addition to the fact that they are licensed with CySEC 24Option offers traders the option to invest as much as 100 grand USD in a single trade so this proves that they have no issue in paying high returns to their clients To spice things up, they also over prize money, up to 100,000 for weekly top traders Terms and conditions apply.24Option Broker Complaints. Let 7 Binary Options do the research so you don t have to I co nstantly search the internet for broker complaints to bring the results directly to our loyal readers As unbelievable as it may seem, we could not find even one substantial complaint about this broker in our search. I did notice an active online discussion concerning 24option in forums, comments sections and Complaint and Review Center Our team is monitoring and checking these I personally feel that the negative feedbacks concerning the withdrawal process were not legitimate complaints These complaints are typical from disgruntled traders and do not always reflect the truth The sincere complaints were in fact resolved by the company itself so I can honestly say that there are no major complaints concerning 24Option.24Option Bonus. Let s be real here, we all enjoy a good bonus I can honestly say that I like the bonus system offered by 24Option Case in point for a 5,000 deposit you can receive up to a 70 bonus 3,500 but you have to reach a 50 times higher trading volume than the bonus itse lf as opposed to 50 times bonus plus the deposit amount as is common with many other brokers This means you will earn your bonus once you reach 175,000 in trading volume Earned bonuses, however are able to be used fully in both trading and as a withdrawal. Video 24Option Ad.24Option Withdrawal. Most sites will give you advice on how to deposit However, at we are not concerned with this issue Our main focus is that major concern in binary options the withdrawal process itself As a rule, for obvious reasons, few brokers cause an issue with deposits, however quite a few brokers have issues when it comes to withdrawing your funds. A plus with 24Option is that there is no limit to the withdrawal amount, as we often see with other platforms The average time before you see your funds is three to seven business days Skrill will have lower fees and also will make the process quicker Those with VIP accounts do not have to pay a withdrawal fee, which is outstanding However, you must remember to send proper documentation as specified under regulation before you can request a withdrawal.24Option Extras. A lot of traders look for the extras before they sign with a broker But here at we try to think outside the box This section will highlight those features that are unique with 24Option and what sets them apart from other brokers. The Extras that we found appealing with 24Option are as follows. Free webinars learn to trade with the aid of a professional. Educational videos including 5-hour videos which are extremely beneficial to those new to trading. Highest Withdrawal Limits This is a plus of which most traders are not aware 24Options offers the highest limits available.24Option Features. User Friendliness. As a completely based web-tech platform, there is no need to download any software with 24Option They have the best looking website we have seen thus far as the gold letters on the black background is both sophisticated and contemporary Just above each underlying asset, is live informa tion and other chats with just a simple click Both the Glossary and FAQ sections are current and complete The website is available in 18 languages including German, Arabic, Spanish, et al. No of Assets and Expiry time.24option offers a total of 103 underlying assets including 30 currencies forex, 11 commodities, 19 indices and 43 stocks The variety of underlying assets is wide and the expiry times are outstanding as they allow the traders to choose from as little as 60 seconds to as much as end of the day week monthmissions, Support and Effective return. There is no charge for investors for their initial deposit or purchase options The first withdrawal is free as well There is a 30 charge for wire transfers for withdrawals Those with a Gold account get one free withdrawal a month However, all withdrawals are free for those with Platinum accounts Customer support is available with a total of 21 international phone numbers including French, Spanish, Italian, English and more They can also be reached via email. The Live Chat feature on 24Option was extremely polite and quick to respond Their effective return rate is amongst the highest in the binary options trading market with an 82 return on most of the major currencies and 70-88 in the money As always, we need to remind our readers that there is always a risk that you can lose all of your capital as a result of trading binary options as with any other type of financial investing They do not offer an Out-of-Money refund but they offer the ability to close your position 2 minutes after purchase or up to 5 minutes before the expiry time. Deposit, Payment and Bonus. The minimum deposit with 24Option is average 250 250 250 50,000 or 10,000 Deposits can be made with Cash-U, Skrill, credit debit card, wire transfer, et al Generally, withdrawals can be made via the same process There is a minimum of 200 for wire withdrawals However, there is no minimum withdrawal via Skrill There are usually up to 100 bonus offers with 24Options and they do occasionally offer amazing promotions and specials for both new and registered clients Terms and conditions apply. Website Extras. As one of the most innovative trading platforms, 24Option offers a good number of additional and unique features The strength of their third party signals varies and provides information as to the most likely direction of the underlying asset However, the expiry time is determined by the trader With the exception of High low trades, they offer two additional means of trading including One-Touch option, which lets the trader decide if the underlying asset will hit a certain value before the expiry time which is most often available on weekends Secondly, they offer a Boundary Option with 75 return rate via winning trade Investors should have in mind that can lose all their capital and that trading alerts should not be considered as investment advice The decision to act on any signals is yours and taken at your own risk.7 Binary Options Rating. Optio n Financial Markets OFM OptionFM Review. UPDATE 12 01 2017.About Us Disclaimer. Disclaimer 7 Binary Options will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author is only a website offering information - not a regulated broker or investment adviser, and none of the information is intended to guarantee future results. Binary option trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors As a leveraged product losses are able to exceed initial deposits and capital is at risk Before deciding to trade binary options or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. In accordance with FTC guidelines, has financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this website, and may be compens ated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them. By using this website you agree with the limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this disclaimer and the separate disclaimer page If you do not agree with them, you must not use this website. Binary Options Trading Makes Money or Not In the modern world humans are working miracles when it comes to making money online trading online is a great platform to earn that money and Binary Options Trading has made that earning quite easy Binary Trading Global has made meticulous research about every Binary Options Trading Platform and has placed it quite comfortably for a trader to access We understand the need of traders you may be an experienced Options Trader or a newbie or you have heard about Binary Options and its benefit through an email, or from a friend of yours who is successfully making money whatever is the reason, now you have taken that step to invest No matter how you came to kn ow about Binary Options you need to choose the right Binary Broker, The Best performing Binary Options Trading Platform and it also depends on your capacity to invest and learn the trick of the trade. Binary Options Trading Explained. Vital decisions are taken by different people differently however the universal decision making formula is either a Yes or a No, that s how simple it is to understand Binary Options Trading which is also known as all or-nothing digital options It is a financial option which plays an asset pricing role in the form of financial derivates with an outcome of payoffs or end up with no money Binary options are Cash or no cash and asset or nothing Taking a risk to earn money is not an erroneous decision but not making a complete research about the move is vital Options trading has become the most welcoming form of trading among traders as opposed to Forex Trading and Stock Market trading because of its simplicity and transparency as it clearly allows the trader t o know how much one can win and how much one can lose, thus this form of trading becomes calculative risk if one knows how to handle it. The simple yes or no decision is what is required however it is not as simple as it is termed Understanding Binary Options is pretty easy but acquiring the trading skills and updating oneself with various strategies to trade is very important If the trader believes that the price of the commodity or currency will surpass certain amount when compared to the current amount and time then the trader can choose Call Option or the amount will diminish when compared to current trend then the trader can choose Put Option and buy the binary option with the amount the trader is comfortable to invest If the trader s decision is correct then certain brokers offer 90 ROI Return on Investment and some offer 80 ROI If the trader s decision is wrong then the trader loses his money some brokers offer a pay back on the losses in a percentage they have agreed to at the time of registration Binary Options is a financial option which also governed by regulators and it differs from country to country, there are also non-regulated binary brokers and brokers who indulge in binary options scams which a binary trader should be aware of. Latest News. Will 2017 be a new beginning for Binary Options Trading. The most lucrative financial investment which has served in the trading industry for almost 15 years without any regulatory refurbishment is now undergoing rigorous changes in many countries due to the alarming rise in scams that grew faster than the business In simple terms binary options is a financial instrument which results in 2 outcomes either in the money Profits or out of the money Loss To achieve this probability many open minded binary options traders came forward to patronize this online trading vehicle to make quick profits For many traders this has been a great vehicle to make money online. With such a lucrative money making tool there was also s een an alarming rise in the scam part of the business There were many underground black listed companies that used the free binary options business as a playground to scam innocent and greedy traders This is a contrast isn t it Scammers begin to play on the minds of people showing no mercy to people and their situation Lack of knowledge and the greed to make money and quick profits in a short span brought more and more scammers in to this world that made hefty profits and walked out of business with swollen bank accounts Their target was just people who lacked knowledge and people who believed that they could become a millionaire in a short span. With the year 2015 spreading the blanket to scammers the year 2016 has become the worst year with people losing close to 250,000 on online trading As a review firm we keep asking our traders a simple question how long would you accept failure Are you so dumb that you could allow someone take away your entire savings We tried to conduct a survey and in the survey we identified that there were many people who were ransacked huge amounts How could this happen While this commotion was buzzing around down came the curtains in the United States where the government regulatory bodies started slapping fines on unscrupulous brokerage firms, and asking Binary options firms to shut down if they had never procured license to provide such services. Due to the negligence of the major licensing giant CySEC which allowed too many loopholes in their regulations many scam brokers sprouted in the market some of them just lasted for 6 months but made a whack of people who invested in them. Now the European Security Markets Authority ESMA, USA Regulatory bodies, Australian Regulatory bodies, Canada and Newzealand regulatory bodies and also the Asian regulatory bodies are placing more pressure on the Binary Options Business and also on CySEC to ensure proper channel of online trading Many Binary Options Companies shut down operations simply becaus e they can t cope with the regulations and cannot make easy money like before. Some of the Binary Options Giants that recently closed down are LBinary, BigOptions, CherryTrade and the major one among all of them is Banc De Binary The reasons cited by the binary broker firms may be an eye-wash is what people believe today. Will the Binary Options industry Survive Or. Will 2017 be a new beginning for Binary Options Industry is the million dollar question. Look at some of the Binary Options Brokers that are going strong because of ethical business following. Are some of the few brokers who are surviving in the market and making their customers feel the legitimacy of the business. Affordable Cent Trading Accounts by BinaryCent. BinaryCent offers affordable binary options trading to binary traders with a minimum deposit as low as 10 and lowest trading size at 1 Cent BinaryCent is a new broker in the industry and has already captured the market because of its affordability, top class trading platfo rm and the contest that could drive traders towards making 2000 per week in cash What traders like about BinaryCent is availability of convenient withdrawal methods without any commission to pay Traders are offered with an experienced trader guidance at just 300 minimum deposits whereas when compared to other leading Binary Options Brokers in the industry who offer a similar service for a minimum deposit above 1000 or even 2500 Everyone can get the best in an affordable price and this is the aim of BinaryCent. Non-Stop trading even during the weekends allows traders to participate in the BinaryCent Trading Contest and making money irrespective of the trade outcomes is unique to this Binary Options Broker They have a perfect and professional 24 7 customer support team who are multi-lingual and also promise to provide 100 secured trading BinaryCent provides 9 Video tutorials absolutely free on their site and a new trader can easily go through the videos to learn how to trade. BinaryCent Vi deos explains types of Options, What to avoid and what to use during trading, it also explains how to calculate winning ratios in order to avoid trading losses These videos covers best time to trade binary options, few trading strategies, trading models and modules, develops a general day-trading strategy and also helps traders to identify if they should use the Martingale strategy. With BinaryCent a trader can open a Bronze account by making a minimum deposit of 10 with basic features like live chat, 20 bonuses and withdrawals provided in an hour The trader can open a Silver account with 100 as a minimum deposit with features that covers live chat, withdrawals in an hour, bonus up to a 50 , Master class web sessions and first three risk free trades that will keep traders out of risk The trader can open a Gold account with a minimum deposit of 300 which covers a live chat, withdrawals in an hour, Bonus up to a 100 , Master class web sessions, first three risk free trades, Swiss prepaid card and a personal success manager to mentor the trader towards successful trades. This is why BinaryCent is sounding as a promising broker and it is very transparent that a trader can make money through this broker brand. Go ahead and open your BinaryCent account today. Is Binary Options Legal in Asia Japan. Binary Options Trading in Japan. There s a paradigm shift in the Binary Options industry over the last few years Countries that used to be a favorite playground for the Binary Options Brokers are no longer the ones they are concentrating on and that is not because they have lost their market but because of strict Regulations and rules placed by Regulators of respective countries Asia is a huge market and land of opportunities for the Binary Options Brokers because of the newness of the industry Some big players are Singapore, Japan, China, Malaysia and Philippines Recently we had news that would be greatly useful to Asian Binary Option Traders and to the Japanese Binary Options Trade rs. Binary Options being the fastest growing financial markets globally has spread its tentacles over to many countries and as a continent they have not forgotten Asia Binary Trading is easily adaptable by people because of its simplicity and the profits that can be earned in a short span if approached with complete knowledge and experience The Financial transactions was once never monitored by any agencies or watch dogs in the past until it started turning out to be a scam game used by many non-regulated binary brokers. Binary Options in Japan. Recently Binary options brokers have found Japanese traders showing interest in Binary Options Trading, having seen this improvement many regulated binary brokers have already started wooing traders from Japan with their fantastic irresistible offers Unlike every other country that embraced Binary Options in to their country recently even Japan has accepted Binary Options Trading system in their country however they have made sure that the broker brands get licensed by the financial regulatory bodies in Japan like FFAJ Financial Futures Association of Japan who are in charge of the Japanese FOREX Brokers industry and also the Binary Options Brokers who operate in Japan with offices outside Japan, the JFSA Japan Financial Services Agency that regulates and monitors exchanges, banks and transactions related to these options firms. Binary Options Trading rules in Japan. Under the scrutiny of the FFAJ and the JFSA the binary options trade rules in Japan are completely new to any trader who might have traded in the United States or EU countries In Japan a binary option broker can never offer Hyper trades or the short term trades, the minimum trade duration is more than 2 hours and the binary broker must determine the base time hour for a trading period and pin the expiry times based on the determined base time hour for OTC Over the counter trades. Rules based Pricing Bonuses offered by Binary Options Brokers. As far as pricing is con cerned FFAJ has ensured there should be complete transparency offered to the traders from OTC and Exchange traded binary options brokers This expectation is also extended on the bonuses which should not be used to attract deposits and investments that the trader is not interested in to, also the affiliates and marketing companies should refrain from wooing traders with gifts, rewards and bonuses to get them to deposit. Binary Option Brokers have to Check Suitability of Traders. According to FFAJ the regulatory body it is mandatory that the Binary Options Broker should check the suitability of the trader under which the criteria are if the trader is interested, if the trader has the capacity to invest and trade and all these things should be done through questionnaire which should not be leading and it should be in the account opening form In short the trader should not be mislead by any marketing ideas it should crystal clear and the trader should know what he is going to be doing and sh ould know about the volatility of the markets. Also the payouts should be clearly shown to the traders so that the trader doesn t have to jump in to speculative conclusions On every investment made by the trader the payout should be clearly mentioned. All this sums up to one simple answer. Binary Options in Japan is Legal. Binary Options will be monitored and regulated by FFAJ who has the right to prosecute fraudulent brokers. Advertising offers with Bonuses and Offers are not allowed by law. Freebies should be only freebies and not attached to any payment modes. The expiry times of the trades cannot be less than 2 hours. Fixed strike options should be offered as a part of their products. Questionnaire should be a part of the Registration form. All investments and payouts should be transparent. Traders should have or be given the knowledge to trade. Traders should be aware of the trade outcomes so that they can calculate their risk. If these things are adhered to by the Binary Options Brokers then Binary Options Trading in Japan is Legal. Want to trade with the best regulated binary options broker along with a transparent 1000 virtual money account which is not real money but the Demo account can be used to learn Binary Trading without losing any real money then the Asian Trader s best bet would be IQ Options. Japanese Traders can go through IQ Options Reviews and also email us for further clarifications and advice Traders can also send their experience and feedback to Binary Trading Global. US Binary Options industry a pretty ugly state of affairs. US Binary Options Brokers. Binary Options industry started in the United States and has grown globally but now with a lot of countries emphasizing on regulations most of the non-regulated binary broker brands are finding it difficult to operate We can call it a good move that governmental watchdogs are taking this seriously that a financial instrument operating in a country should abide by the rules and regulations placed by them and in t urn avoid Binary Options Traders being scammed All this started in the United States where in many Binary Options Companies sprouted and made a whack by scamming anxious binary traders, In our research we identified victims who have lost close to 100,000 and it s not a joke It has been a serious issue with complaints piling up at the banks that an individual has been swindled. As things grew big and ugly governmental organizations, financial regulatory services investigated and collected information against the Binary Options giants and slapped fines and also ordered closures of fraudulent organizations We at Binary Trading Global make most of research by getting information from traders and the way they have been scammed We gathered some mind blowing information of people who have been ripped off in the United States In our feedback survey we came across emails and inputs from binary traders which clearly stated that they are interested to trade binary options if it s actually legitima te, but with all these complaints the situation in the United States today is very different. It is seriously funny that these financial agencies have allowed US citizens to trade binary options but Binary Options Brokers cannot operate in the United States In other words Binary Options is legal in the United States from the consumers end not from the business operations end and how can this be possible Only if there exists a broker in the US can a trader trade binary options. Binary Trading Global was trying to identify how are US traders trading Binary Options and then we understood that Binary Options Traders who are citizens of the United States can trade Binary Options with a Broker who is registered or not registered and operates from a country outside the United States This is clearly evident that the US financial organizations and watchdogs can control businesses in their country but cannot control or stop their consumers within the country. US Cracks down on Offshore Binary Optio ns Broker Firms. The United States laws on the other hand are not favorable for to offshore binary options brokers however they still keep getting some kind of business from the US citizens There are many offshore binary options brokers who are regulated by CySEC and other country specific regulatory bodies and they can still satisfy the US laws but the US regulatory bodies like CFTC Commodities Futures Trading Commission and SEC Securities Exchange Commission are very strict as they are in the process of gathering information and streamlining the process. If you are looking for the best binary options broker who can accept US traders just read BinaryMate Reviews. Binary Online Stops HYPER TRADE effective from 27th February 2017.Binary Online Stops HYPER TRADE. Binary Online a reputed Binary Options Broker has announced that they will no longer be offering HYPER TRADE on their trading platform This decision was taken by Binary Online on 26th February and implemented on the 27th of Februa ry 2017 Traders who are looking to trade on hyper trades alone will not be able to use Binary Online going forward. What is HYPER TRADE. Hyper trade otherwise known as the aggressive trades is an options trade similar to that of High Low trades To be precise hyper trades are short term trades which come with an expiry time starting from 15 seconds to 10 minutes The most common expiry times found on hyper trades are 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds, 5 Minutes and 10 minutes For a common man to understand due to regulations and regulators strict policies on Binary Options most of the regulated brokers are requested to drop the Hyper Options. Hyper options trades has attracted many traders simply because a trader can test his her trading skills in just as low as 15 seconds and also make 80 profit in 15 seconds which is definitely are great boost for anyone who is just motivated to make money In this form of trades there is no time for analysis and using signals is very importa nt however many binary traders have made money using hyper trades as equal to people who have lost as well. Binary Options Trading definitely requires skills and it cannot just be played as though Fortune Favors the Brave Be fully equipped before you start your Binary Options Trading journey If you need any advice you can always contact Binary Trading Global at. Binary Trading Global Research and Development. Binary Trading Global has launched its new R D team who works alongside with the in-house review team to excavate more information about Binary Options Brokers, Robots, Trading Platforms, Regulations Updates and Binary Traders feedback The R D team will be investigating the fairness in operations in all departments in a binary broker brand As mentioned earlier we not only get reviews from our team but also from traders but now our R D team will be receiving information and feedback from regulators, watchdogs, traders, brokers and other financial instruments and brands in the industry. Make your attempt to join the young BTG team and share your views, experience and feedback on Binary Options Trading Our team is trying to provide professional, authentic and factual information that can help traders enjoy and acquire the best trading experience with the best binary brokers in the industry. Make Money Binary Trading. One of the most important functions of any business is to Make Money and Binary Trading is not an exemption to this philosophy People flock to invest in many trading or online businesses with a simple notion to make money and they are happy to perform the job if it is from home or during their free time Every person who is seeking such an opportunity either have a full time job or a business to run, what surprises us when it comes to Binary Options Trading is that even part time workers, students who are eligible to participate are trying Binary Trading due to the simplicity of make money Make Money Binary Trading is not just a phrase it s in fact a proven income generating machine People know that money can be made but How is the question Binary Trading Global has made an extensive research and understood that many people just like the concept of making money however they don t want put in the effort required to make such money Achievement to the pinnacle requires sound knowledge of Binary Trading and good planning and execution to success How many traders have just taken up Binary Options as an instrument to generate the extra income without even knowing How to Trade It s time to ponder do I really have the knowledge about what I m doing Secondly do I have the expertise to perform successful trades Finally do I have to time to spend to learn the tricks of the trade If the answer to the above questions is NO then success is not yours If the answer is yes then you can be making a lucrative second income Take some time to go through a Binary Options Explained video. Binary Options Explained. Binary Options Trading is an instrument which has just two options and it s clearly explained by BTG experts already But why people struggle to make it a success is the most worrying factor prevailing Explanations can only be a guide, implementation and execution is the second and the most important part of the business There is definitely loads of support and materials on the internet which helps a common man understand the concept of Binary options trading, however by just reading such materials success can never be guaranteed A trader if a starter or a newbie can easily find access to assistance like Binary Options Robots and Binary Options Signals services which could be of great help in the beginning stages Once a trader is familiar with Binary Trading he she can easily make money with Binary Trading. Our Services. Full Review. tab space name Broker Review. Eclipse Finance Introduction. Based in London and owned by financial services company known as Herrolds Capital LLP, Eclipse Finance is binary and investment broker that operates in more than 90 over countries around the world On the first impression, one can tell that there is something different about Eclipse Finance when compared to other binary brokers in the industry Apart from the professional design of their website, Eclipse Finance also uses a trading platform that is very different from the generic white label type of platforms we get in the industry today With a dedicated support team, traders at Eclipse Finance can be assured of an incredible experience. The Platform. As mentioned earlier, Eclipse Finance uses a binary trading platform that is very different from most other binary brokers Instead, Eclipse Finance rely a trading platform that was developed by Panda Trading Systems Ltd Panda TS Established in 2006, Panda TS is a software developer tha t focuses on applications for the financial industry They are especially well known for their customized solutions for their clients in the binary and forex trading industry In addition to having easy access to all the necessary tools, traders will be comforted to know that the Panda TS s powered platform is also supported for mobile trading With their low minimum deposit and up to 95 payout, Eclipse Finance is one of the best trading platforms I have come to know in the present market. Two of the features that I find helpful in Eclipse Finance are its Daily Market Review and Trading Academy Being knowledgeable of the latest developments and market trends is a big indicator of business acumen It requires research and the personal outlook of the author who should be an expert in the subject Trading Academy, on the other hand, is a gesture coming from the platform It signifies the site s willingness to guide a trader by the hand should he she want to learn binary trading in a methodical m anner. Unique Features. One key feature about Eclipse Finance s platform is the fact that automated trading for binary options is also supported With their binary signal recognition software and auto trading signals, traders can use the system to trade over a 100 daily high quality signals automatically without having to even be near their computers Eclipse Finance s latest promotion in this regard is that they challenge traders to test their managed account services, stating that a client that will lose a cent during his 3 day trial will receive back his full investment plus a 100 cash as compensation. Trade Types. Eclipse Finance is currently doing three forms of trading Above Below this allows traders to invest on an option based on a pre-determined expiration time Option Builder this is the type of trading that allows the trader to configure his her own expiry time and create his her own risk-reward situation 60 Seconds This is a short-term trading that allows a trader to make an inves tment on an option that expires 60 seconds after an investment is made. Eclipse Finance promises up to 95 payout It is one of the most generous brokers today. Trading Accounts. On top of the industry record payouts, this broker also boasts of five VIP accounts that promise 25 250 bonus, personal account manager assistance, risk-free trades, cash-back, interest bearing service, managed account services, free Apple or Samsung gifts and other perks Clients may choose from the following accounts Discovery Account Minimum Deposit 100 Standard Account Minimum Deposit 750 Pro Trader Account Minimum Deposit 3,500 Excellency Account Minimum Deposit 15,000 VIP Account Minimum Deposit 100,000.Customer Support. As a binary options broker, Eclipse Finance shows that its customers are its most important assets by ensuring that each customer s trading experience is as pleasant as possible This trading platform is manned by a team of customer support professionals that are willing, ready and available 24 7 to assist every customer should he she encounter any problem regarding any part of the trading process. Eclipse Finance Review a t modifi en dernier le October 17th, 2016 par Dana Gee. Recommended Brokers.

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